The CLAW 18-Channel Full-Constellation GPS Simulator is the industry's first fully-self contained, low size-, weight-, and power (SWaP) miniature GPS Simulator module. In comparison to competitive products that require external computers for processing and control, the CLAW Simulator works fully self-contained by storing location/time/date data in internal NV memory, or by storing complex vector data to simulate highly dynamic scenarios. The CLAW can also be used to transcode NMEA or SCPI position/velocity/time (PVT) data into GPS RF signals, therefore allowing retrofitting of legacy GPS equipment with the latest generation GNSS receivers such as Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou, SAASM, M-code, or even with INS capability. Multipath simulation allows use of the entire 18 channel simulator capability with an easy in-field software upgrade feature. The CLAW is also very useful in GNSS receiver sensitivity testing for R&D or mass-production assembly lines and also has a built-in RF signal generator with sweep, CW, and random noise functions that is useful in simulating GNSS jamming scenarios, as well as GPS spoofing scenarios.
18-Channel GPS Simulation
Real Time Transcoding
Fully Self-Contained
Powered by USB or external source
Highly Accurate simulation
Wide-range RF output power control
Can store extensive dynamic simulation scenarios